THOR makes the first progress

Updates 02 July 2024

Last month the third General Assembly of the European project was held in Brussels

The consortium meeting, hosted at the VUB campus, was a fruitful occasion for partners to share updates, exchange opinions and discuss the next project phases, after the first year of activities.

In particular, Flash Battery has shown three different battery designs they have simulated to find the most relevant one for model development. The team has updated on the status of the Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis and thermal simulation on modules and packs.

VUB has explained its commitment to the tests matrix established and the ageing test campaign launched on preliminary samples. VARTA has continued to introduce its strategy to produce and deliver two batches of cells for prototyping and CEA, the project coordinator, has shown its methodology to determine the input parameter values used in the performance model.

INERIS has anticipated that they will welcome two PhD students who will be committed to performing abuse test sequence implementation at the three levels (cell, module and pack) while FEAC has conducted an assessment to better investigate the possible Digital Twin requirements. Indeed, the Greek partner has shown two Graphical User Interfaces (GUI), clarifying both pros and cons. The rest of the partners will need to discuss in the upcoming months what is the best choice for them (who represent the Digital Twin end-users).

ICONS has taken the opportunity to explain the indexes used to measure the effectiveness of the communication and dissemination activities. The team has also organised the second exploitation workshop focused on the key exploitable results, the related Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and the partners’ exploitation options.

The General Assembly concluded with a tour of the VUB campus. The battery innovation centre offers state-of-the-art facilities, tools and solutions where part of the activities aims to study the battery ageing.
