A new edition of the International Operando Battery Days conference will be dedicated to battery technologies characterized by advanced tools and methods. These will be observed in batteries in operating conditions, both in-lab and at large-scale facilities.
The event will take place in Grenoble at the World Trade Congress Center (WTC) on the 12-14th June, 2024 and it will be the perfect occasion for experts in electrochemistry, materials science, technology and analytical methods to discuss some experimental work. In particular, they will present the most recent developments and progress to map new batteries materials composition, structures and design.
The event is also interesting for the THOR project. Indeed, one of the objectives of the European project is to create a sophisticated physics-based aging model which would follow the same mechanism of the batteries in operating conditions.
At the event, 120 participants are expected to intervene since there will be ample space for discussion.
Young researchers are highly encouraged to present their research.
Download the conference flyer for more information.
Ph: Lauro Laureano